Send A Booking Request

Click on the request form to book jxtheo for any of the types of engagements listed below. You are also welcome to request a booking for other related engagements that are not listed here.

Please consider including the following information in your request:

  • Does the event have a title and/or theme?

  • What are the purposes or goals of the event?

  • Who is it organized by?

  • What are the exact requested booking dates and times?

  • How many guests or participants are you expecting at the event?

  • Can you provide any essential context on the participants? (age range, identity, cultural background, etc.)

  • Do you have a budget for compensation?


For further questions, email


Poetry and Music Performance


Since 2007, jxtheo has shared poetry, hip-hop music & speeches in hundreds of occasions for audiences of about ten, to audiences of thousands. They have hosted & produced hundreds of events, centering each one’s intended purpose and community.

jxtheo has brings a genuine spirit that kindles the heart, inspires the mind and motivates the masses. They carry a craft of care for each individual, no matter how small or large the community.

Here are some typical bookings that jxtheo does:

  • 10-15 minute poetry performances

  • 10-30 minute hip-hop performances

  • 30-60 minute performances with Boondock Squad

  • 10-20 minute speeches at conferences, commencements, weddings, etc.

  • Master of Ceremonies or Producer for concerts, readings, open mics, forums, celebrations, etc.



Instruction and Programming

Since 2007, jxtheo has also worked as an educator, facilitating and/or instructing in schools, residencies, youth leadership programs, community events, institutes, conferences, juvenile detention centers and year-long programs.

They instruct in these fields:

  • creative writing – poetry & hip-hop music

  • social sciences – mainly Filipino history & politics

  • Filipino language – mainly Tagalog

  • boxing with a focus on holistic health

    • fundamentals, presence of mind & management of anxiety

  • competitive boxing